Concerts, masterclasses, workshops, lectures and guitar exhibition

Wednesday, Nov 20th, 2019. 8:00pm
Andrew Zohn | Ruben Gonzalez | Congyi Zhang
Venue: Sala Aida Bonnelly, Teatro Nacional Eduardo Brito. Santo Domingo.
Admission: Free

Thursday, Nov 21st, 2019. 8:00pm
Daniel Ortega | Mateo Vintimilla | Ortega-Lee Duo
Venue: Sala Aida Bonnelly, Teatro Nacional Eduardo Brito. Santo Domingo.
Admission: Free

Friday, Nov 22th, 2019. 8:00pm
CIGF Artists Showcase
Venue: Academia de Música y Arte Punta Cana.
Punta Cana.
Admission: Free
Masterclasses, workshops, lectures.

Friday, May 19th. 2023.
3:00 PM Carlos Bedoya
Master Class
This event will take place at the National Conservatory of Music of Santo Domingo.
Time: 3:00 PM
Admission: Free​
Wednesday, 20th & Thursday, 21st of November
Time: 3:00pm - 6:00pm
Place: National Conservatory of Music of Santo Domingo.